maandag 9 maart 2009

Be Berlin

Hi there readers, and welcome back to my blog! In this post I will be sharing all my experiences of Berlin with you. If you all read my previous blog you will have read that last week I went on a study trip to Berlin. It was AWSOME! Seriously if you get a chance to go and see Berlin GO! So my story, here it is:

My day started relaxed, I took a shower, got changed, had breakfast and performed all the other usual morning rituals. The tour bus would leave at 8.15, but some people were late and we didn’t leave until 8.40. So finally at 8.40 the bus left college and we were off. The trip wasn’t too bad, we watched a couple of movies in the bus, some were listening to music and one fellow classmate decided to sleep on the floor. We crossed the border to Germany at about 11.30 where we had a break.

At 17.00 we arrived at the hostel. In the lobby everyone received a room key card and clean bed sheets. I shared the room with Hassan and David. The room was neat and quite modern. I quickly made my bed and went downstairs to have dinner in the restaurant of the hostel. After dinner we had a tour through the Jewish quarter. I was surprised how many buildings in Berlin weren’t renovated and most of them really looked neglected. Our guide explained that the government doesn’t force the owners to renovate the houses as long as they are still safe to live in. After the tour I went up to the 7th floor of the hostel: the bar!

Tuesday up early for breakfast, we would be visiting a 4* hotel called the Maritim. We received a tour through the hotel seeing some off the suites and bedrooms, also the restaurant, and a massive conference room, it was very impressive! We got a short lunch break and after lunch we were guided through Berlin’s oldest cinema called the Coliseum, the guide explained how the projection and the sound worked and how it used to be. Then it was time for the FAT Tire bike tour! The bus took us to the TV antenna where our guide was waiting for us and where we collected our bikes. We cycled through Berlin seeing most of the must see places in Berlin including Checkpoint Charlie, The wall, The Reichstag, the Brandenburger Tor and the Holocaust memorial. I spent the rest of the evening with a group of 7 girls. We had dinner at a pizzeria not to far from the hostel and went out to party in the evening.

Wednesday morning and yet another tour. It was a tour of bunkers built during WWII to protect the German against invasion. A huge system between the streets and the subway of Berlin. After the tour we got the opportunity to have some lunch in a nearby shopping centre.
At 12.30 we were picked up by the bus and taken to SachsenHausen an old concentration camp. I thought it was sad, interesting and weird! All around the camp there where ordinary houses. The camp was build in the middle of this town and during the war everyone that lived around the camp was able to see what was going on inside, but did nothing. We got to see how and where the prisoners lived, where people were executed and remains of the ovens that were used to burn the dead. After this rather depressing tour we returned to the hostel. A pub crawl was planned for us that evening and we needed to grab some dinner and get ready for it. The pub crawl started at 8, we visited 4 different pubs and a club at the end, apparently the club wasn’t to good, but I can’t remember that part I did remember I had a good time though :D.

Thursday already and our last day in Berlin, A Hollywood tour was on the schedule so another early start. Not everyone made it after the pub crawl. The ones that did had a hang over. The Hollywood tour was good fun though. Our guide walked us through the city showing us locations where well known films where shot. I recognized Alexanderplatz from the movie the Born Supremacy, it was funny to know that a famous person had once been where I was now standing. What also made the tour special for me was the fact that I got to see a Bugatti Veyron. The tour ended at about 12 which gave us the afternoon of for shopping. I went shopping and got some gifts for back home. Then back to the hostel to get some sleep because I was tired I there was still one evening left. The dinner had been taken care of, we had to be at the restaurant at 18.45. The restaurant had sort of a German farmers theme, all waitresses were dressed up and the restaurant was decorated a bit funny, the food was good, which is the most important thing after all. The rest of the evening was spent drinking and chatting, in one of the rooms. Then we decided we wanted to go out and find a club to go and dance. We didn’t want to return to a club were we had been before, but we couldn’t really find anything else. Half of the group did want to go back into the bar where we were on Tuesday, but I didn’t so I and 3 others took a cab back to the hostel and went to bed.

The Bus trip back wasn’t really comfortable for me, because I am quite tall I could place my legs comfortably and I had some kind of a allergic reaction to something in the bus. My left eye kept on crying and I had a runny nose :(.

Overall the trip was a big success! I saw a lot of new things and really enjoyed every day! The fact that we had excursions every day was a bit of a shame really because I would have wanted to walk around the city a bit more by my self, although the tours were really interesting! The best thing would be to go longer, or for me to go again.

Well the end is near!

Next week just a normal week again at school, glad to be back, but I do miss Berlin!

Thanks for reading,

;) Daniel

2 opmerkingen:

  1. I totally agree with you, the Berlin trip was really awesome!! Still think it's amazing that you survived hanging out with us the seven girls =P

  2. hahaha yeah Berlin was great:P really had a awesome time
